Funky Ranch Slide

Choreographed Unknown
Description: 32 count, 4 wall beginner line dance
Music: Any good Club song

Vine Right
1. Step side right with the RF

Cross the LF in back of the RF

3. Step side right with the RF

Scuff the left heel next to the RF

Vine Left
5. Step side left with the LF
6. Cross the RF in back of the LF
7. Step side left with the LF
8. Scuff the right heel next to the LF
Diagonal Vine Right
9. Step diagonally forward right with the RF

Slide the LF up next to the RF

11. Step diagonally forward right with the RF
12. Scuff the left heel next to the RF
Diagonal Vine Left
13. Step diagonally forward left with the LF

Slide the RF up next to the LF

15. Step diagonally forward left with the LF
16. Scuff the right heel next to the LF
Twist The Heels Right, Center, Left, Center
17-18. Twist both heels to the right and bring them back to center

Twist both heels to the left and bring them back to center

Tap Heels Forward And Step Back
21-22. Tap the right heel forward and step back with the RF
23-24. Tap the left heel forward and step back with the LF
25-26. Tap the right heel forward and step back with the RF
27-28. Tap the left heel forward and step back with the LF
Tap Right Heel Forward, Toe Back, Toe Side And Make 1/4 Turn Left
29. Tap the right heel forward
30. Tap the right toe back
31. Tap the right toe to the right side
32. Raise the right knee and make 1/4 turn left


Rev: 5/6/03